Backpackers doing it in style.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

No way dude

If you haven't seen the film "Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure", or its sequel what ever it was called, then this post may be lost on you, but hey, at least you missed out on watching a shitty film!
When Chinese people answer the phone they pick up and say "Way", and they often use this phrase through out their conversation. Its kind of like "hello" mixed with "ah ha" mixed with "hmmm".

The up shot of this is that you often hear people saying "Way...... Way..... Way..... Way..... Way". The first time I heard this I was almost in tears, it sounds exactly like they have just received a call from Bill or Ted:

No way dude
No way dude
Dude, no way
Totally dude


Blogger Ace said...

This post was absolutely brilliant, probably because I went through the exact same thing. Loved reliving my stay at Mama Naxi's. You are right, her GH is THE best one in China!

Saturday, September 02, 2006 4:38:00 pm


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